Views on 'Gifts in Wills' sought

Views on 'Gifts in Wills' sought

Could you help us grow our support so we can continue to protect wildlife for years to come?

Wildlife is increasingly under threat and The Wildlife Trusts are working hard to ensure its future but we can’t do it alone – we need support from people like you!   

To help us grow our support we’d like your views on an increasingly popular way to give to charity – gifts in Wills.  We know that a gift in your Will is a personal and potentially sensitive topic.  Because of this, we want to ensure the subject is well handled and would greatly appreciate your views. 

The survey - linked here - should take no longer than 10 minutes and all responses are anonymous – unless you choose otherwise. We promise to protect your data in accordance with The Wildlife Trusts Privacy Policy. The cut-off date for returning completed surveys is Friday 23rd October.

Thank you!